So, you have a pain in the butt? Does your tailbone feel likes it’s going to fall off? Are you unable to sit for an extended period of time? There is a pretty good chance you may have coccydynia. Here are a few causes of coccydynia and perhaps you’ve experienced one of these situations. If you feel that you have coccydynia back pain or need a coccygectomy, please contact your surgeon or doctor to explore further possibilities for relief.

Pilonidal Cyst:
Pilonidal Cyst is a birth defect in which an abscess develops at the end of the tailbone, causing pressure, swelling, inflammation and pain in the coccyx area. The cyst is generally removed surgically.

If the joints in the region of the pelvis become more flexible in preparation for childbirth, sometimes the coccyx can be pushed out of position easily.

Falls on the buttocks:
The most common cause of Coccydynia is fall onto the tailbone in the seated position, generally against a hard surface. It is often diagnosed as a fractured coccyx.

Misaligned or Long Coccyx:
In this state, the coccyx bone points ahead or is angled forward about 70°, which is greater than normal and causes pain.

Muscle Spasms in the Gluteus Maximus Muscle of the Buttocks:
These muscles help lower the body from a standing to a sitting position. Muscle spasms cause pressure where the glutueus is attached to the coccyx.

Unstable or Dislocating Coccyx:
Coccyx which dislocates or moves more than normal when you sit down can be the cause of Coccydynia. This may develop after a fall, from childbirth or injury in a car accident.

Piriformis Syndrome:
From the lower spine to the top of each femur, the piriformis muscle runs horizontally. It crosses the sciatic nerve and spasms in the muscle cause pain in the hips and down the leg. Sitting may worsen it.

Repetitive Strain:
After a great deal of rowing or bicycle riding this is common cause.

Boney Spur or Spicule on Coccyx:
This has been the cause of pain in 14% of patients.

Do you see something that we’ve missed? Why not drop us a line to tell us your coccydynia or coccygectomy story or submit a comment below?


  1. Dan on March 31, 2011 at 1:37 am

    Some days can be difficult, and I’m gratefull for the information learned here… thank you.

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  4. […] goal is to manage your coccyx pain until the bone can actually heal. Most doctors usually don’t try to correct a bad alignment […]

  5. […] what exactly is tailbone back pain? It could be a few things, but you may want to initially look at coccydynia. Coccydynia is a sore tailbone or coccyx and, if it has been bruised or injured in any way, could […]

  6. […] pain (coccydynia) can have many causes, from child-birth to falling down on your backside while rollerblading. It is […]

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