Coccyx Pain Treatment

Coccyx pain treatment can come in a variety of different methods, some of which may help you and others may not. Because each person is unique and their body may reacts to different treatments, do not feel discouraged if you try one and you do not get the results you expect. Coccyx pain treatment is a unique type of treatment, but there are enough people suffering from coccyx pain that there are now a few methods to help treat tailbone pain.

Coccyx pain treatments for coccydynia are usually local and non-invasive. Here a re a few example of potential tailbone pain treatments that you can try to help you live without pain and a better quality of life.

  1. NSAIDs. The are non-steroidal anti-flammatory drugs that are common in the treatment of pain of all sorts. Some of the more popular NSAIDs are: naproxen, ibuprofen and COX-2 inhibitors. Taking this sort of medication will help reduce the inflammation that is usually the cause of the coccyx pain.
  2. Heat. A good method to help reduce the pain and inflammation is to apply heat or hot pack to the area after a few days of experiencing coccyx pain. We have a heating pad at our house right beside our couch.
  3. Sitting. Try not to sit for too long and avoid putting too much pressure on the area. If you know you're going to be sitting for a while, try to get up occassionally and relieve some of the pressure from the area. You will be glad you did.
  4. Coccyx cushions: these are an excellent tool to help alleviate some of the tailbone pain you are feeling. There are a variety of type of coccyx cushions and you can read more about them here. There are foam cushions, air cushions, donut cushions, gel coccyx cushions... you just need to pick the one that is right for the pain you are experiencing.
  5. Stool softeners: quite often, if the coccydynia is bad enough, those who suffer from the coccyx pain may need to take stool softeners because of painful bowel movements. It is also recommended to increase your fiber and water intake.

If you continue to have coccyx pain (coccydynia), there are other non-surgical methods to help you with your coccyx pain treatment.

  1. Injection: there can be a local injection of lidocaine and a steroid which will both act as a numbing agent and decrease inflammation in the coccyx area. The pain relief from this procedure can last from as short as a week up to a few years. There is a recommended number of this type of injection per year, so please ensure you know this going in.
  2. Manual manipulation: a chiropractor or experienced doctor in this area can do a manual manipulation of the coccyx to put it back to where it's supposed to be. Having first hand seeing someone experience the manual manipulation of the coccyx, I would suggest this would be one of the later choices if you have no success with the others.
  3. Stretching: one can gently stretch the ligaments that are attached to the coccyx to relieve some of the pain in the coccyx area. It is suggested that you consult with a doctor or physiotherapist for the proper stretches so you don't injure yourself or make the pain worse.
  4. Ultrasound: it is also possible to ultrasound along with physical therapy for coccyx pain relief.


Coccyx pain treatment, non-surgical and non-invasive, are usually the best methods to start with if you are experiencing coccydynia. It may take a while to see the results you're hoping for, but the reward will be lesser pain and perhaps a pain free life. The last resort would be a coccygectomy, which is the surgical removal of the coccyx. For more information on what a coccygectomy is, please read here.

Coccygectomy, spine and back pain

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