Coccyx removal is called a coccygectomy. Do you think you need to have your coccyx removed surgically? Are you suffering from coccydynia and chronic pain in your tailbone that simply won’t go away? Are you unable to sit for any length of time due to the stabbing or throbbing pain in your tailbone? Coccyx removal may be an answer for you, but you should consult a specialist or medical professional with experience in performing coccyx removal surgery.

What exactly does coccyx removal surgery involve? Coccyx removal is not a very common surgery and there are some potential issues with coccygectomy recovery that may be something to consider. It is considered to be a major surgery as it has to deal with the spine and subsequently has a unique set of problems because of the location of the incision.

It is important to consider the experience of the surgeon when sourcing a doctor for your coccygectomy. As the coccyx removal has some intricate and unique issues, an experienced coccyx surgeon would be the best option. Many doctors simply don’t touch a coccygectomy because of the potential complications. It’s much easier to do a hip or knee replacement and not have to deal with the recovery of coccyx removal surgery.

Coccyx removal can potentially limit your activities but, as with any other surgery, different people react to things differently. There are a great number of stories of people who’ve had a coccygectomy and have gone on to have active lives as they had before. Once coccyx removal is in the discussion of options, it pretty much means you’ve come to the end of your rope as far as coping with the coccyx pain and coccydynia and are prepared to do pretty much anything to alleviate the pain.

So, once you’ve decided to move forward with coccyx removal, you then need to consider the coccygectomy recovery. Keep in mind that every situation is unique and there is not one definite answer to the length of recovery and the success rate of recovery. I can only speak from our experience in that it was a longer process for a coccygectomy recovery than most because my wife had additional health issues to deal with. What is your experience? Why not leave a note and perhaps let others learn from your experience.


  1. […] The first step in treatment of coccyx pain would be to make a visit to your doctor. If your doctor looks at you with a blank stare when you say you have coccyx pain, this is nothing unusual. My suggestion would be to source a doctor who is familiar with and has experience in dealing with coccyx and tailbone pain and who will take you seriously. This meeting with a doctor is to confirm that your pain symptom in your coccyx is not a result of anything more serious, like cancer, and the starting of the process of coccyx treatment – whether through manual manipulation, injections, medications or potential coccyx removal surgery. […]

  2. […] that need to be carefully weighed before having a coccygectomy. There is always the chance that the coccyx surgery will be unsuccessful, but if one investigates all other avenues of relief from coccyx pain, the […]

  3. louis on May 16, 2012 at 9:40 pm

    had my tailbone removed 2 months ago but still unable to sit. it’s very frustrating, now having the surgery because i could not sit and now still unable to sit after 2 months. i’ve seen no alleviation or decrease in the pain after the surgery. it’s pretty much the same. i just hope at some point i can see improvement. that’s where i’m at for now

  4. […] medications, do assorted therapies and, as a last resort, may have to look at surgery as an option. Coccyx removal surgery, or a coccygectomy, is an invasive procedure because of the delicate area that the coccyx is […]

  5. […] coccygectomy testimonial is from Kelly who just had her coccyx removal surgery on June 14, 2012. Kelly makes mention of one thing I would encourage you to do if you suffer from […]

  6. Maggie Heard on August 14, 2020 at 2:45 pm

    I had a coccygectomy in 1985 due to an almost fatal automobile accident. Over 30 years later and the area is still very sensitive, so I am very conscientious about how/where I stand/sit and who is around me. Just an accidental bump to the spinal area from the waist down sends me into severe pain! I had been told that it would be dangerous for me to do any activity than could jeopardize the area and needed to be very careful in all activities – no skiing, no running, no activity that would involve the possibility of falling. As badly as I desire to sky dive, I have given up that dream because even tandem cannot guarantee a soft landing. I am NOT sorry that I endured the surgery – it was necessary for me to walk. I was blessed with a wonderful doctor back then who truly knew his surgeries and I am very thankful to be alive and walking, which is so much better than the original prognosis!

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